Monday, November 14, 2011


I accompanied my friend, who was intent on continuing a project he had recently undertaken in Chatelerault. I took some reading, my camera, and my notebook with me, thinking I would have ample time to do what I needed to get done while my friend worked. However, the search to find the precise location in which he had worked was, of course, never-ending. Somewhat miraculously, we finally found his little batch of trees, by which time the sun was three-quarters of the way down the western sky. Needless to say, neither of us got terribly far in our own work. However, it was such a gorgeous day that I was quite happy to simply capture the warm afternoon and evening light that was throwing its rays through the trees. My attempts to use tree branches as a tripod produced mixed results, particularly with the long exposures, but I'm reasonably happy with a few of them, even if I only had my portrait lens with me (I NEED to get a moveable lens!).

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